Throughout the week campers won gold coins for games, answering questions in talks and tent inspections. Coins were also won for pirate jokes, here are a couple of the, erm, best: Q: Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet? A: Because they can spend years at C Q: What does a […]
The last couple of days on camp seemed to fly by with barely a chance to pause for breath, let alone update the blog! After a tough message delivered by Joe on Wednesday Tom took up the mantle and told us about eternal life on Thursday and followed up on Friday bringing the message of […]
Well, Wednesday, its been another action packed day on camp. The morning started with a challenging talk from Joe Kirby. He had the unenviable task of preaching on the part of John 3:16 which says “should not perish”. A difficult subject but none the less one that we must discuss to help us understand how […]
After another rainy night in our tents, we awoke to the welcome news of a dry and sunny weather forecast for the day ahead. With hungry bodies fuelled by a hearty breakfast and sleepy brains made alert with some outside pirate-themed activities, we turned to the Bible for some soul-nourishment. We looked at John […]
After a wet night, the drizzle continued throughout most of the day, but that didn’t dampen our enthusiasm and enjoyment of the days activities! After breakfast, we began the day hearing from God’s word about Jesus, about how he was sent to Earth and about how amazing that is! Today was the first day […]
It’s been a slightly crazy and fun packed few days at camp. We’re all getting used to the new sight so things aren’t running quite as smoothly as usual and the blog update has been pushed to the back of the queue in the list of priorities. That’s not to say that there’s anything wrong with […]