Once more unto the breach, dear friends! Once more.
Verily, this morn it doth be Shakespeare day on Compass Camps. Let us don a ruff (made out of newspaper) and play silly games. We will eat Spanish chicken – Boo! And 4 and 20 blackbirds baked in a pie. You will have to see the pictures online when we upload them to see what we have been doing.
Another beautiful day dawned on Windermere and campers eager to get going were all up early and raring to go. After a hearty breakfast, we spent some time with Ole looking at another of God’s names. Today it was Yahweh or Jehovah.
A minibus, a minibus, my kingdom for a minibus ( we had no horses). We mounted our trusty Peugeot steed and dropped off the older campers at the lakeside to enjoy an afternoon of canoeing and paddle boarding on Windermere. The younger campers travelled afar to Langdale where they were Ghyll scrambling up Stickle Ghyll. Much merriment was had in the minibus on the way to chants of ‘The wheels on ye bus…’
Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble. Eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog. The cooks had been busy in the kitchen all afternoon!
Up popped a spicy chicken curry and Spanish chicken (boo!). Nourishment was fair needed after the strenuous activities of the day. Hence the need of a 4 and 20 blackbird pudding for afters. (Note – did not contain real blackbirds. Thought we had better mention that before we get complaints from worried parents. Blackbirds were substituted by apples).
The evening was then spent in much merriment in constructing Shakespearean ruffs from newspapers, guessing the Shakespearean words and then an authentic Elizabethan parlour game involving retrieving haribo sweets from cream using only your mouths.
What does the morrow bring?
The photos from the day to our flickr Camp 2023 – Day 3 album – see a sample gallery below.