Compass Camp Comic-Con
In a first for Compass Camp, and stretching the literary theme a little, we held a Comic-Con at Camp on the Friday evening.
The day began with our usual delicious breakfast prepared by our, thankfully, restored cooks, following yesterday’s unfortunate events. Ole then wrapped up our main teaching with a wonderfully encouraging and challenging message on the God Who Sees from Genesis 16. Campers and leaders alike have learnt so much about God’s character.
As is our tradition on the last full day on camp we ventured out, not to the fells or lakes of the Lake District, but to the hustle and bustle of Ambleside. In preparation for Comic-con the campers undertook a photo scavenger hunt of comic characters and items. Some very inventive photos of the likes of Bananaman, Cow Pie, and Batman’s Utility Belt were taken, along with some good impersonations of Gnasher thanks to some obliging dog walkers! The campers then had some free time to buy souvenirs, presents and sweets before we headed back to camp for the final preparations for the evening.
Many campers arrived at Comic-con in fantastic costumes of comic or literary characters. We had a Gandalf, Moses and Rameses, an Umpalumpa, Oliver Twist, and several Very Hungry Caterpillars. As we feasted the tents performed the poems, based on their tent’s selected literary theme, that they had been composing through the week. The standard of the poems was truly amazing and it was a tough job for the judges to decide on a winning entry.
After the meal campers visited various comic “booths” for some games like Dennis the Menace Catapult Challenge and the Spidey Web Obstacle Course, then back to the hall for the prizegiving. Scores for the week were totted up, several times, and a winning tent was announced. It was a close race this year but congratulations to the girls in Mission Campossible for their consistent performance throughout the week that led them to the coveted title of Tent of the Year! Two campers were given Camper of the Year wards for their contribution to all aspects of camp life, engagement in the talks and tent prayers, wholehearted involvement in the activities and games, and helpfulness in the team duties to help camp run smoothly. An old-timer, Chris, won the prize for the boys and a first-timer, Hatty, for the girls, both very well deserved!
In his closing epilogue Josh pointed us to Jesus and encouraged us to consider that his name, meaning The Lord Saves, though popular at the time in Israel, had a special meaning and application as he would “save his people from their sins”, Matt 1:21. We have so much to be thankful for this week. God has blessed us through the talks, activities and fellowship so as we depart tomorrow it’s great to be reminded that this blessing is through and for Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.