Friday 15th August

Final day of Compass Camp 2014

The last day is always a little busy as we try to pack as much fun into the day as we can as well as encouraging campers to check through the piles of dried clothing from the activities and beginning to clear the school ready for leaving on Saturday morning. As a consequence the final blog is slightly delayed but it gives us a chance to reflect on the week as a whole.

The Friday morning saw us gather for the final time for the morning meeting. The talk, looking at the vision of  Daniel in chapter 7, was a challenge to all. Tom pointed us to heaven’s throne room with the Ancient of a Days seated on his throne and Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, entering his presence.

Following the talk we headed into Ambleside for a picnic lunch and a tent treasure hunt with a variety of Disney tasks to complete including making a human sculpture (the winners co-opted a old man with a walking stick to create an Up scene) and bringing back a princess.

On returning to Coniston tents finished preparations for the evening Reduced Disney plays and we were entertained by 5 minutes of Winnie the Pooh, Cinderella, Finding Nemo, Peter Pan and The Jungle Book. Then there was the prize giving, the final scores were totted up and the girls tent, The Ugly Step-sisters, came out on top in a competition that went right to the wire.

To close the evening the camp leaders presented a Reduced Daniel play giving a summary of the message of Daniel and reinforcing the question which has challenged us all week – “Who’s side are you on?”. This had a big impact and with the message Matt gave in the epilogue we were left encouraged to seek God and rest on him.

Compass Camp 2014 was such a blessing to leaders and campers alike. We can praise God so much for being with us especially in the early part of the week when we were battered by wild weather, times like that really highlight our weakness and reliance on God. We are thankful for the fun we had, the wonder of his creation, the activities we enjoyed, the friendships we made but, most of all, everything that he taught us from his word about his power and majesty and great love displayed through Christ. Please continue to pray for the campers that they would see their need to be on God’s side and turn to him and those that have would be strengthened in their faith and encouraged to continue in God’s strength and serve him back in their home situations.

All that’s left to say is bring on Compass Camp 2015! Watch the website and facebook for dates and details over the next few weeks.

Brian Eccles
Assistant leader